

  • IKO Real Estate
  • Legal Director


En résumé

Based in Luxembourg, I am specialised in real estate investment and finance, as well as complexe real estate structurings (especially commercial leasing), with a solid experience managing real estate cross-border transactions. My practice also focuses on public law ; planning; construction and litigation.

• Act as point of contact for all legal matters for internal and external
• Provide negociation and conclusion on a various range of commercial agreements related to the acquisition/disposition, commercial leases, development and construction of properties, and property management of the real estate portfolio
• Manage the day to day planning and operations of the team and the legal matters of the company
• Provide comprehensive legal advice on all of the company’s legal matters and projects
• Monitor pre-litigations and legal disputes.

Mes compétences :
Droit immobilier
Droit des baux commerciaux
Droit des contrats
Droit de l'urbanisme et de la construction
Fiscalité immobilière
Gestion locative
Asset management immobilier
Gestion de projet
Négociation de contrats


  • IKO Real Estate - Legal Director

    Juridique | Luxembourg 2021 - maintenant
  • Arizona Investissements - International real estata legal Manager

    2019 - 2021 Based in Luxembourg, I am specialised in real estate investment and finance, as well as complexe real estate structurings (especially commercial leasing), with a solid experience managing real estate cross-border transactions. My practice also focuses on public law ; planning; construction and litigation.

    • Act as point of contact for all legal matters for internal and external
    • Provide negociation and conclusion on a various range of commercial agreements related to the acquisition/disposition, commercial leases, development and construction of properties, and property management of the real estate portfolio
    • Manage the day to day planning and operations of the team and the legal matters of the company
    • Provide comprehensive legal advice on all of the company’s legal matters and projects
    • Monitor pre-litigations and legal disputes.
  • Swiss Life Asset Managers (France) - Real Estate Legal Manager (Responsable juridique immobilier)

    Marseille 2009 - 2019 - Management d'une équipe,

    - Due diligence juridiques, analyses et reporting, comités de gestion, d’engagements, transactions locatives et immobilières,

    - Négociations,

    - Transactions immobilières internationales (Allemagne, Luxembourg, Belgique, Espagne et Italie)

    - Baux commerciaux et gestion immobilière,

    - Fiscalité immobilière et corporate,
  • Axa Reim - Juriste

    Nanterre 2009 - 2009 Département juridique ventes d’actifs immobilier d’entreprise,

    - constitution documentation juridique cessions d’actifs, analyses notes ou projets de contrats de ventes établis par les conseils juridiques et négociations points clés,

    - participation aux process d’arbitrage d’actifs en concertation avec Asset manager et Fund manager,

    - reporting et vérification du respect des procédures internes.
  • SCP Dupont Cariot Depaquit - Juriste diplômé notaire

    2005 - 2005 Droit de la Promotion et de la construction, ventes en état futur d’achèvement
  • SCP CHEUVREUX - Juriste diplômé notaire

    2005 - 2008 Droit immobilier et droit du financement,

    - audit juridique de portefeuilles/actifs immobiliers et organisation de data room,

    - rédaction promesses de vente, ventes, baux commerciaux, baux emphytéotiques et baux à construction,

    - rédaction de notes et d’articles juridiques,

    - clientèle : investisseurs étrangers, institutionnels, foncières cotées, société instrument de la « nouvelle politique » immobilière de l’Etat.
  • Office notarial Villaume - Notaire stagiaire

    2002 - 2004 Droit immobilier : acquisitions et ventes à des particuliers, constitution de sociétés



Annuaire des membres :