


En résumé

Mes compétences :
MS Office
MS Outlook
MS Project
Business Object
Process management
Microsoft Access
weekly management
prioritization skills
management control
knowledge management
good flow management
calendar management
analytical skills
Transport Management
Time Management
Resources Management
Quantitative management
Production management
Process Improvement
Personnel administration
Microsoft Project
Microsoft Outlook
Microsoft Office
Material inventory management
Decision system management
Data Mining
Business Objects
Bill of Materials
Sharepoint Management
software process design
prioritisation skills
help desk
conventions management
Microsoft Excel
Change Request Management


  • Luxair - IT Project Coordinator Consultant Consort NT

    Luxembourg 2019 - maintenant - Operational coordination of the project for its IT aspects
    - Responsible for the creation of the solution description
    - Creation of project plan
    - Raising of all important issues to the IT management
    - Overall tracking of the process
  • Alter Domus - Business Support Consultant Consort NT

    2019 - 2019 - Create accesses according to internal processes for both external and internal users
    - Manage / modify accesses according to business needs
    - Receive and record all requests in internal ticketing system
    - Handle requests in accordance with SLA
    - Contribute to build and to keep the documentation management
    - Contribute to improve the service processes
  • Banque Européenne d'Investissement - Quality Assurance Assistant

    2017 - 2018 Coordinating and providing office support, this includes: assisting in the accurate preparation, finalisation and distribution of presentations an/or reports, proofreading and formatting documents when necessary and organising logistical / administrative aspects related to the QMS project (accesses for consultants, agenda of meetings, meetings, etc.)
    - Provide support mainly on quality procedures and process
    - Provide assistance in process modelling
    - Provide assistance and optimise data storage processes
    - Develop and maintain traceable internal and external communications for the Quality Management System project
    - Assist to meetings along the Quality Management System project and verify the accuracy of the decisions registered and their timely implementation
  • Amazon - Project Engineer

    Clichy 2016 - 2017 - Projects Planning & Reports
    - SharePoint Management
    - New Comer Documentation
    - Wiki creation
  • Team Trade - Clearstream Project Manager Officer Consultant - IT Department

    Paris 2015 - 2016 - Customer Documentation Management
    - Sharepoint Management
    - Customers Infrastructures Reporting
    - Interface between project, operational and sales department
  • Airbus Group - Process Manager Officer - Process Management Department

    Blagnac 2013 - 2014 - ARIS (software process design) management: conventions management, parameters set up, consistency check, help desk, process extractions
    - Process management: structuration in ARIS, convention definition, information collecting, modelling, KPI's management
    - Database set up and management on MS Access, Sharepoint management
  • Airbus Group - Project Manager Officer - ICM Department

    Blagnac 2011 - 2013 - Resources Management: resources planning tool set up and follow up with Excel
    - Project Organisation support: Definition, set up and management of projects plans, Management and control of changes to projects requirements and objectives, definition and organisation of closing of different phases of projects with Microsoft Project
    - Project Leaders Support: reports on projects status to team members (Oral & written)
    - Events organisation: multicultural team events
    - Manager support: calendar management, meetings set up, workshops
  • Airbus Group - Business Support - Technical Data Department

    Blagnac 2011 - 2011 - Organisation of department, weekly meetings management, n-1 & n-2 meetings, one to one
    - Analysis and implementation of Gallup survey actions plans ;
    - Personnel administration follow-up: Request for Personnel, Time Management, public holidays
  • Aéroport Toulouse-Blagnac - FM Agent Trainee - Facility Management Department

    Blagnac 2010 - 2010 Airport of Toulouse Blagnac - Facilities Management Department
    «Organisation access rights though the electronic key system Locken»
    -State of Art
    -Creation and set up of the management model
    -Building and follow up of the access system
  • Trescal - Logistics Agent Trainee - Logistics department

    2009 - 2009 « Towards an improvement logistics service »
  • Airbus Group - Trainee - Logistics, Supply Chain & Product Quality Department

    Blagnac 2008 - 2008 Airbus - Saint Eloi factory - Supply Chain Logistics, Ordering & Product Quality, Material Commodity with Enterprise Resource Planning SAP
    « Optimisation of tools and material flows »
    - Material inventory management
    - Creation and modification of supplier orders
    - Bill of materials, quotas, safety stock
    - Management of material shortages
    - Analysis of material rejection
  • Gondrand - Forwarding Agent Trainee - Transit Activities

    Paris 2007 - 2007 Forwarding Agent: good flow management


  • Université Toulouse 3 Paul Sabatier

    Toulouse 2009 - 2011 Master's degree

    Organisational Engineering and Management Systems
    - Production systems : logistics, projects
    - Information systems : data mining, decision computing, knowledge management
    - Methods/tools: Quantitative management, law, economics, management control, finance, marketing, HR
    - Decision system management: business systems approach, management, planning, audit, strategy
  • Université Toulouse 3 Paul Sabatier

    Toulouse 2008 - 2009 Bachelor's degree

    Economics and Business – Business Process Management
  • IUT Bordeaux Montesquieu - Département GLT

    Gradignan 2006 - 2008 DUT Gestion Logistique et transport

    - Aerial, rail, road, and shipping transports
    - Production management, Information systems
    - Accounting, economy, law, finance
  • Lycée Henri Matisse BTS STT ACC

    Cugnaux 2003 - 2006 Baccalauréat STT ACC (Sciences et Techniques du Tertiaire – Actions et Communication Comerciales)


Annuaire des membres :