
En résumé

Duncan has nearly twenty years of sales and sales management experience, fifteen of which have been spent working in the relocation industry. Prior to becoming a Partner at Pro Tenant Ltd, Duncan spent 6 years with Brookfield GRS, a global relocation management provider. Duncan has worked extensively with senior business leaders across Europe and global Human Resources contacts world-wide to design and implement global mobility services programmes. Prior to this Duncan spent a further 8 years working for destination services providers in the UK, and as an expatriate himself in the US. Duncan was also a Licensed New York Real Estate Broker. Duncan is a qualified Global Mobility Specialist (GMS).

Mes compétences :


  • Pro Tenant Ltd - Founder

    2014 - maintenant Partner at Pro Tenant Ltd. With over 14 years experience in the property and relocation industry, I understand that private tenants need a trusted and reliable partner working proactively on their behalf to safeguard their interests.

    Pro Tenant is the trusted adviser for private tenants in the UK. Our belief is that every tenant should be able to enjoy their home in the knowledge that their lease agreement holds no unexpected
    surprises. Pro Tenant’s knowledge, experience, and service expertise provides tenant’s with more time to enjoy the important things in life
  • BROOKFIELD Global Relocation Services - Business Development Manager

    2008 - 2013 Brookfield GRS is a global provider of assignment administration services. 18+ years of sales and sales management experience, with 13+ years directly in solution selling within global relocation management and assignment administration services. Developed an extensive global network of contacts, with a proven track record as a trusted adviser.


Pas de formation renseignée


Annuaire des membres :