
Melisa BEJKO


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Fluent in many languages
Team work


  • Speaking Agency - Teacher

    Paris 2018 - maintenant I work as an english teacher and babysitter for french kids of different ages.
  • School - Benevole

    2014 - 2016 I have worked throughout the years as a tutor for my friends in different subjects i have also worked with the church group in my church where we have taught young children english also I have assisted my mother in her profession as a teacher and learned which are the most effective ways to interact with students.I have also worked as a babysitter for my siblings relatives and different people in my community.


  • Université De BORDEAUX II

    Bordeaux 2017 - maintenant Medecine

    It has been my dream since I was a little girl to become a doctor and now that i have the possibility to make it true it's a dream come true.I love everything about my classes and how they teach me step by step how to become a successful doctor one day.
  • Université Bordeaux

    Bordeaux 2017 - maintenant diplome de bac scientifique
  • Gjimnaz Gjergj Kastrioti (Durres)

    Durres 2014 - 2017 bac scientifique


Pas de contact professionnel

Annuaire des membres :