

En résumé

Through my ten years of experience, I have collaborated with many coworkers and managers on various projects. My background and knowledge in finance, has enabled me to cut out error rate by 70% dealing tactfully and effectively with all sort of problems. I am certain I would be able to bring the same level of commitment and satisfaction providing knowledgeable and accurate information to colleagues and senior management with an effective financial leadership to a finance team to enable strategic foresight into the business for an easier flowing process.

My career goal is to utilize my skills and gained experience through the years of work to build a well constructed system which offer the right potential for career progression.

Mes compétences :
Analyse financière
Contrôle de gestion
Audit interne
Audit financier
Comptabilité générale
Gestion budgétaire
Comptabilité analytique


Pas d'entreprise renseignée


  • ESG MBA (Paris)

    Paris 2018 - maintenant Bac+5

    MBA Audit et contrôle de gestion, une formation permettant: la maîtrise des fondamentaux de la direction financière (comptabilité, finance et contrôle de gestion), le développement d'une expertise dans la gestion du risque ainsi que la mise en pratique des outils d'expertise dans le cadre d'un cas réel d'audit.


Pas de contact professionnel

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